Shawn’s formative years were spent in Cambodia where, as a member of a large family, he developed a passion for cooking at an early age and soon realized that he had an innate culinary gift that encompasses not only the creation of a wide variety of flavors but also the design of artistic presentations. Over the years, he has applied these talents to a variety of culinary-related endeavors, including chef for student row houses at Stanford University (where Chelsea Clinton was one of his clients) as well as owner/chef of a small restaurant.
However, Shawn’s passion focuses in those areas in which he can fully express his cooking and artistic talents. In this regard, his catering and personal chef engagements are meticulously customized to the wishes of those he is serving. Shawn is fortunate to have a profession that involves a skill that he loves so dearly, and this consistently comes through in all his culinary endeavors.